

NSH is a CLI intended for OpenBSD-based network appliances. It replaces ifconfig, sysctl, and route with its own simple command language, and consolidates configuration for other daemons into one place, effectively replacing /etc/netstart and parts of /etc/rc for appliance-style usage. NSH presents the user with a vaguely Cisco-like interface with all configuration in one easy to read text list. It also gives the user access to system information and diagnostics. NSH replaces the userland commands that handle these functions, and talks directly to the OpenBSD kernel or control utility for daemon functionality. Supported external utilities: pf, ospfd, ospf6d, bgpd, ripd, ldpd, relayd, ipsecctl, iked, rtadvd, dvmrpd, sasyncd, dhcpd, snmpd, sshd, ntpd, ifstated, tftp-proxy, ftp-proxy, tftpd, npppd, resolv.conf, inetd, smtpd, ldapd, and ifstated.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-12-30 10:03 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Mitteilung ist nur für OpenBSD 4.2-aktuellen Nutzer. Es wird nicht auf 4,2 compile-Release oder früher. Nun ermöglicht es Benutzern, Multipath-Routen hinzufügen, verbessert txpower zu unterstützen, und entfernt alle KVM-Zugriff zu Gunsten von sysctl (eine große Bereinigung der behebt Fehler und macht ein Stück Code, einfacher zu bedienen in der Zukunft, vor allem für IPv6). Sie fügt hinzu, "wer" und "Flush-Benutzer" auf der obersten Ebene und "Zeitfenster" und "syncpeer" Befehle zur Schnittstelle Ebene.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release is only for OpenBSD 4.2-current
users. It won't compile on 4.2-release or earlier.
It now allows users to add multipath routes,
improves txpower support, and removes all KVM
access in favor of sysctl (a major cleanup which
fixes bugs and makes a bit of code easier to use
in the future, especially for IPv6). It adds "who"
and "flush user" to the main level and "timeslot"
and "syncpeer" commands to the interface level.

Project Resources