

LibrePlan is a Web application for project planning, monitoring, and control. It is a collaborative tool to plan, monitor, and control projects and has a rich Web interface that provides a desktop-like user experience. All the team members can take part in the planning, which makes it possible to have real-time planning. It was designed for a scenario where multiple projects and resources interact to carry out the work inside a company. It makes it possible to communicate with other company tools, providing a wide set of Web services to import and export data.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-08-13 06:28 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Dies ist ein Minor-Release mit allen Fragen in den stabilen Zweig seit der letzten Version behoben. Das wichtigste Problem gelöst ist das Speichern in der Gantt-Ansicht Bildschirm für große Projekte mit Etiketten. Unter bestimmten besonderen Bedingungen waren nicht alle Etiketten geladen und die Persistenz auf der Festplatte fehlgeschlagen. Weitere kleinere Korrekturen einschließlich der Überprüfung und behebt einige Probleme in Berichten, die Server Sprache nicht beeinflussen Übersetzungen mehr, und eine neue Protokolldatei zu registrieren Informationen über Login-Versuche.
Tags: Minor, Stable
This is a minor release with all the issues fixed in the stable branch since the previous version. The most important problem solved is the save operation in the Gantt view screen for big projects using labels. Under some special conditions, not all the labels were loaded and the persistence to disk failed. Other minor fixes including reviewing and fixing some problems in reports; the server language not affecting translations anymore; and a new log file to register information about login attempts.

Project Resources