

mozCC is an extension for browsers which are based
on Mozilla Gecko (Mozilla Suite, Mozilla
Firefox/Firebird, and Netscape) which provides an
easy way to view Creative Commons license metadata
embedded in Web pages. mozCC displays license
information about the current page in the status
bar using the Creative Commons' license attribute
icons. It also provides a button on the toolbar
which displays the embedded license's RDF in more


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2004-07-27 20:58 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Version korrigiert Bedingungen dazu führte, dass Mozilla und Firefox zu sperren, wenn bestimmte Kombinationen Lizenz aufgetreten sind. Seiten von diesem Fehler betroffen sind die Creative-Commons-Lizenz Auswahlverfahren.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release corrects conditions that caused Mozilla and Firefox to lock up when certain license combinations were encountered. Pages impacted by this bug include the Creative Commons license selection process.

Project Resources