

mod_myvhost is an Apache module for dynamically configured name-based mass virtual hosting with PHP. Virtual host configurations and PHP settings are stored in a MySQL database. There is no need to have every vhost in apache's configuration file, or to restart apache after a configuration change. It is able to change PHP settings dynamically for any vhost. By default, it sets open_basedir as the vhost's rootdir, but you can change almost any parameter that exists in php.ini. For example, you can turn on safe_mode or register_globals for a particular vhost.


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2010-02-24 21:30 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Vhosts, die in der Apache-Konfiguration definiert werden und "on the fly nun zusammenarbeiten, geschaffen.
Tags: Apache 2.0, Apache 2.2, MySQL, PHP 5+
Vhosts that are defined in the Apache configuration and created on the fly now work together.

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