

mkCDrec (Make CD-ROM Recovery) makes a bootable (El Torito) disaster recovery image, including backups of the Linux system to one or more CD-ROM(s) (multi-volume sets). Otherwise, the backups can be stored on another disk, NFS/CIFS disk, or (remote) tape. After a disk crash or system intrusion, the system can be booted from the CD-ROM and one can restore the complete system as it was. It also features disk cloning, which allows one to restore a disk to another disk (the destination disk does not have to be of the same size, as it calculates the partition layout itself). Currently, ext2, ext3, minix, MS-DOS, FAT, VFAT, Reiserfs, XFS, and JFS filesystems are supported. It can restore disks in Software RAID and LVM mode. It supports the One Button Disaster Recovery (OBDR) mode, which simulates a bootable CD-ROM on tape.


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2006-06-25 22:11 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Die busybox Konfiguration wurde geändert, um die Erstellung Fehler auf x86_64 und IA-64-Architekturen zu vermeiden. Durch die Zugabe des Plugin für Legato Networker können mkCDrec weiteres Backup / Restore-Programm verwenden, um die Dateien des Systems abgerufen werden. Die bisherigen Plugins (HP Data Protector und IBM TSM) wurden für das tmpfs-Dateisystem behoben Problem mit / dev.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The busybox configuration has been changed to avoid the compilation errors on x86_64 and IA-64 architectures. By adding the plugin for Legato Networker, mkCDrec can use another backup/restore program to retrieve the files of the system. The previous plugins (HP Data Protector and IBM TSM) were fixed for the tmpfs file system problem with /dev.

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