

mkCDrec (Make CD-ROM Recovery) makes a bootable (El Torito) disaster recovery image, including backups of the Linux system to one or more CD-ROM(s) (multi-volume sets). Otherwise, the backups can be stored on another disk, NFS/CIFS disk, or (remote) tape. After a disk crash or system intrusion, the system can be booted from the CD-ROM and one can restore the complete system as it was. It also features disk cloning, which allows one to restore a disk to another disk (the destination disk does not have to be of the same size, as it calculates the partition layout itself). Currently, ext2, ext3, minix, MS-DOS, FAT, VFAT, Reiserfs, XFS, and JFS filesystems are supported. It can restore disks in Software RAID and LVM mode. It supports the One Button Disaster Recovery (OBDR) mode, which simulates a bootable CD-ROM on tape.


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2008-09-05 23:49 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Veröffentlichung fügt Unterstützung für die initramfs-Dateisystem für das Booten OpenSuse und FecoraCore Releases mit der mkCDrec Boot-CD, dramatisch verbessert langsame USB-Gerät unterstützen, busybox und Upgrades auf Version 1.12.0.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release adds support for the initramfs
filesystem for booting
OpenSuse and FecoraCore releases with the mkCDrec
boot CD, dramatically
improves slow USB device support, and upgrades
busybox to version

Project Resources