

LinOTP is a solution for strong two-factor authentication with one time passwords. It features a modular architecture into which UserIdResolver, authentication, and OTP calculation modules can be plugged. It includes UserIdResolver modules for LDAP/AD, SQL, and flat file user databases, and authentication modules for PAM and RADIUS. New modules can be developed easily. Supported tokens are HMAC-OTP/HOTP (RFC 4226/ OATH compliant), Aladdin eToken PASS, eToken NG-OTP, Safeword Alpine, Yubikey, Google Authenticator, motp, SMS OTP/Mobile TAN, email token, and a Simple Pass token for users without token hardware. TOTP is supported, along with a new algorithm for daily passwords for applications not supporting RADIUS. OCRA tokens are supported to allow transaction signing in banking environments. CLI, Web, and GTK+ GUI clients are available for management. LinOTP features multi-client capability, redundancy, and a self-service portal. It has been used with PAM for local and SSH logins, Apache, VPN, and Windows Terminal Server, and is OATH certified.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-09-19 22:58 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Veröffentlichung fügt eine neue Audit-Framework, um administrative Aufgaben und Authentifizierung Ereignisse zu verfolgen. Die Prüfung Framework unterstützt PCI DSS-Anforderungen, ist OATH-zertifiziert für HOTP und TOTP Token und verbindet sich mit simpleSAMLphp und OpenID. Die neue Token-Typen TOTP, haben Remote-Token, Token RADIUS, Tagespasswort und Yubikey aufgenommen worden. Ein Remote-Token können uns Authentifizierung Anforderungen an einen anderen LinOTP Server einrichten komplexe, verteilte Authentifizierung Szenarien mit, zum Beispiel Zweigstellen. Ein RADIUS-Token leitet die Authentifizierung an einen RADIUS-Server für die reibungslose Migration. Es unterstützt Yubikey in HOTP Modus.
This release adds a new audit framework to track administrative tasks and authentication events. The audit framework supports PCI DSS requirements, is OATH-certified for HOTP and TOTP tokens, and connects to simpleSAMLphp and OpenID. The new token types TOTP, Remote Token, RADIUS Token, Tagespasswort, and Yubikey have been added. A Remote Token can forward authentication requests to another LinOTP server to set up complex, distributed authentication scenarios with, for example, branch offices. A RADIUS Token forwards the authentication request to a RADIUS server for smooth migrations. It supports Yubikey in HOTP mode.

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