

The GNOME Structured File Library is a utility library for reading and writing structured file formats. Support for MS OLE2 streams is complete, as is zip import. There is also support for document metadata and some initial work on decompressing VBA streams in OLE files for future conversion to other languages. This library replaces libole2 and is used in gnumeric, mrproject, abiword, libwv2, koffice. It is also part of the AAF format.


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2010-02-18 08:30 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Version behebt einen XML-Parser zum Absturz bringen. Es schreibt Metadaten Werte im Namen bestellen. Es ruft nicht gnome_vfs_init in die Python-Anbindung.
This release fixes an XML parser crash. It will write metadata values in name order. It doesn't call gnome_vfs_init in the Python binding.

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