

KAlarm lets you schedule personal messages to display, audio files to play, commands to execute, or emails to send. Among its options, it allows you to choose the message font and color, recurrence schedule, whether to display an advance reminder, whether to speak the message or play a sound when it is displayed, and whether to cancel the alarm if it can't be triggered on time (e.g. if you are logged out at the time). As well as using the graphical interface to configure alarms, you can use the command line, and there is a D-Bus/DCOP interface for other applications.


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2011-07-20 22:18 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Es gibt eine Reihe von Verbesserungen an der Wake-from-Suspend-Funktion. Es behebt nicht-lateinischen Schriftzeichen richtig angezeigt in E-Mails, und behebt KAlarm manchmal weiter zu laufen, wenn keine sichtbaren Fenster oder Symbol in der Taskleiste bleibt. Ein Interlingua Übersetzung ist jetzt verfügbar.
Tags: major bug fixes
There are a number of improvements to the wake-from-suspend feature. It fixes non-Latin scripts appearing incorrectly in email messages, and fixes KAlarm sometimes continuing to run when no visible windows or system tray icon remains. An Interlingua translation is now available.

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