JPdfUnit integrates PDFBox as a PDF API with the
JUnit framework for the testing of PDF documents
(so JPdfUnit is a high level API). Simple,
ready-to-use assertions help to compare the
expected data to the concrete data of the PDF
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
Korrigieren Überblick wird nun in das Glas integriert. Die Abhängigkeit von log4j wurde entfernt. Die Regex textsearchtype funktioniert nun mit der find ()-Methode der Klasse Matcher. Teilweise wurden Änderungen an der PDF-Zugang aus, um veraltete Methoden, um die empfohlenen Methoden zu ändern. Weitere Details wurden mit dem Ausgang der Verfahren geltend zu machen hat.
Major feature enhancements
Correct property data is now integrated into the
jar. The dependency on log4j was removed. The
regex textsearchtype now works with the find()
method of the Matcher class. Partial changes were
made to the PDF access to change deprecated
methods to the recommended methods. More details
were added to the output of the assert methods.