

JCSC is a powerful tool that checks source code against a highly definable coding standard for potentially bad code. Standards cover naming conventions for classes, interfaces, fields, and parameters, and the structural layout of classes and interfaces. Each rule is highly customizable. It can also find potential bugs, including empty catch/finally blocks, switches without defaults, throwing 'Exception' types, and slow code. JCSC was inspired by lint.


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2002-11-03 10:15 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Version behebt Bugs 615933, 617149, 617642 und 615934. Die default.jcsc entspricht nun dem Standard-SO, wenn zutreffend, ist die Anzahl der NCSS analysiert Klassen berechnet und in der XML / XSL HTML-Ansicht verwendet und einen Scheck für den NCSS zählen Methode / ctor wurde hinzugefügt, zusammen mit einem Argument count Prüfen Sie, ob ctor.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
This version fixes bugs 615933, 617149, 617642, and 615934. The default.jcsc now complies to the Sun standard when applicable, the NCSS count of parsed classes is calculated and used in the XML/XSL HTML view, and a check for the NCSS count for method/ctor was added, along with an argument count check for ctor.

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