

My Handy Restaurant is software created to help restaurant waiters and managers in their job. Waiters can choose a restaurant table, assign orders to it and have them automatically printed on printers. "Normal" dishes can also be modified, by adding or removing ingredients. Bills can be printed automatically, even for separated bills. The accounting section allows a restaurant manager to easily administrate the whole accounting (bank accounts, employees, suppliers, income) in an easy way. Stock management is also available, and items quantity is automatically updated. The interface is handheld-sized and is written to be compatible with most handheld browsers.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-07-27 20:51 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Veröffentlichung ergänzt die Umkodierung der Abschnitte der Kellner und behebt einige kleinere Fehler beseitigt. Die wichtigsten Features sind die toplist Feld der letzten Änderung um Zeile, die Aktie Funktionen, und die Funktionen zum Mitnehmen. Die Essen-Interface wurde überarbeitet und ist jetzt stabil und schnell. Das System ist recht stabil und zuverlässig, auch wenn es sich um eine Beta-Version.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release completes the recoding of the waiters' sections and corrects some minor bugs. The main features added are the toplist box, the last modified order row, the stock functions, and the takeaway functions. The takeaway interface has been reviewed and is now more usable and fast. The system is quite stable and reliable, although this is a beta release.

Project Resources