

Grub-client is a distributed crawling client, used
to create an infrastructure that provides URL
update status information for Web pages on the
Internet. Grub's distributed crawler network will
enable Web sites, content providers, and
individuals to notify others that changes have
occurred in their content, all in real time.
Clients are ranked by the numbers of URLs that are
crawled, both on their own machines and other


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-11-21 05:11 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Die Geschwindigkeit des Crawling-Prozess wurde erhöht. Proxy-Funktionalität, die Bandbreite zu begrenzen, und eine man-Seite hinzugefügt worden. Die GUI-Look wurde verbessert. Das gesamte Projekt wurde umgewandelt pthreads verwenden. Mehrere Fehler zu Speicherlecks im Zusammenhang, die Bearbeitung der Themen wurden die GUI, Crawler, GUI-und Herunterfahren behoben.
Tags: Major bugfixes
The speed of the crawling process has been increased. Proxy functionality, bandwidth limiting, and a man page have been added. The GUI look has been improved. The entire project has been converted to use pthreads. Several bugs related to memory leaks, handling of threads, the GUI, crawler, and GUI shutdown have been fixed.

Project Resources