

Groonga is a fast and accurate full text search engine based on an inverted index. Newly registered document instantly appears in search results, and updates are allowed without read locks. These characteristics result in superior performance for real-time applications. It is also a column-oriented database management system (DBMS). Compared with well-known row-oriented systems, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, column-oriented systems are more suited for aggregate queries.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-01-29 07:34 Zurück zur Release-Liste

In dieser Version gibt es drei Themen. Es beginnt query() Mehrfachfunktionen in einem select-Befehl unterstützen und können Sie die Ergebnisse der Volltextsuche zu steuern, indem Sie den Wert des Gewichts für jedes Keywords angeben. Es wurde verbessert, um fehlende MeCab Wörterbuchs durch das Grooonga-Tokenizer-Mecab-Paket zu installieren. Diese Version beginnt zu Fedora 18 Pakete anbieten zu können.
There are three topics in this release. It begins to support multiple query() functions in a select command, and lets you control the results of full text search by specifying the value of weight for each keywords. It has been improved to install the missing MeCab dictionary used by the grooonga-tokenizer-mecab package. This release begins to provide Fedora 18 packages.

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