

Gronk is a Web-based MP3 jukebox. It generates heavily-hyperlinked Web pages listing all of your ripped CDs, by extracting information from CDDB data. These Web pages allow easy selection of songs or albums to play, and when nothing has been explicitly selected, it selects songs randomly. Playback is done via either XMMS or mpg123.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-03-04 13:35 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Diese Version bietet Verbesserungen in der Geschwindigkeit. Der Splash-Seite sagt jetzt, wie viele Alben, Titel und gesamte Spielzeit im Archiv vorhanden sind. Die Dateien werden nicht verändert, wenn eine Änderung erforderlich ist. Wenn Dateien unvereinbar Namen haben, sind vernünftig Umbenennungen vorgeschlagen. sieht nun an beiden Dateinamen und ID3-Tags.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release features speed improvements. The splash page
now says how many albums, tracks, and total playing time
exist in the archive. Files are not modified unless a change is
needed. When files have incompatible names, sensible
renamings are suggested. now looks at both
file names and ID3 tags.

Project Resources