

GridFlow is a plugin for PureData, Ruby, and jMax. It provides the ability to process images and video as N-dimensional arrays ("Grids"). It consists of a framework for grid transmissions, elementary grid processing objects, picture-oriented processing objects, and input/output objects. It also allows one to write plugins for PureData and jMax using the Ruby language.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-03-25 08:45 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Viele Bugs wurden gefixt, PureData externen jetzt installiert, PureData Hilfe-Dateien wurden hinzugefügt, der Konfigurator wurde vereinfacht, vier Beispiele, sechs Klassen (eine Gabel, jmax_udpsend, jmax_udpreceive @ drehen, remap_image @ und @ type), und zwei Betreiber (ggT und lcm) zugegeben, QuickTime Codierung und suchte aufgenommen, und viele weitere kleine Features wurden aufgenommen.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Many bugs were fixed, PureData external now installs, PureData help files were added, the configurator was simplified, four examples, six classes (fork, jmax_udpsend, jmax_udpreceive, @rotate, @remap_image, and @type), and two operators (gcd and lcm) were added, QuickTime encoding and seeking was added, and many more small features were included.

Project Resources