

The GLPK package is intended for solving linear programming (LP) and mixed integer linear programming (MIP) problems. It is a set of routines organized in the form of a library and written in the ANSI C programming language.


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2005-08-02 08:14 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Der Kern Simplex-Methode und Innere-Punkte-Methode Routinen wurden neu implementiert und nutzen nun eine neue "Storage-by-Zeilen" Sparse-Matrix-Format (im Gegensatz zu früheren Versionen, bei denen verkettete Listen wurden verwendet, um dünn besetzter Matrizen darstellen). Ein kleiner Fehler in der lpx_read_cpxlp API-Routine behoben.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements
The core simplex method and interior-point method routines were reimplemented and now use a new "storage-by-rows" sparse matrix format (unlike previous versions where linked lists were used to represent sparse matrices). A minor bug was fixed in the lpx_read_cpxlp API routine.

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