

FreeDiams is a program for making prescriptions of pharmaceutical drugs and testing their interactions. It is the result of building the FreeMedForms prescriber plugins into a standalone application. It is developed by medical doctors and is intended for use by these same professionals. It can be used to prescribe drugs and test drug interactions within a prescription. It can be linked to any application by way of its command line parameters. FreeDiams can use several drug databases, including the FDA_USA drug database, the French AFSSAPS drug database, the Canadian drug databases, and the South African drug database (SAEPI).


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-07-04 19:16 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Es wurde Unterstützung für multiple drug Datenbanken hinzugefügt: FDA, Französisch und Kanada. Eine Schnittstelle für externe EMR wurde hinzugefügt, die FreeDiams als Verschreiber nutzen will. Die Dokumentation wurde aktualisiert. A "Sichern und Wiederherstellen" Plugin hinzugefügt wurde.
Tags: Stable, Major, GUI
Support was added for multiple drug databases: FDA, French, and Canadian. An interface for external EMR was added, which wants to use FreeDiams as a prescriber. The documentation was updated. A "save and restore" plugin was added.

Project Resources