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Free Conquest and Colonization of America

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(Letztes Update 2009-06-12 19:07)

Free Conquest and Colonization of America is a remake of a fantastic
old game from Microprose called Colonization. Those who have played
Civilization will find the game style very similar. In Civilization, the
game time goes from pre-history to the future, but in Free Conquest and
Colonization of America, all action happens during the exploration age,
from 1492 to 1800. The goal of the game is to build a colony in America
and make this colony grow big enough to be able to achieve independence
from the motherland. A player can choose among the English, French,
Dutch, and Spanish nations, each having its own qualities and problems.
During colonization, the player will face many challenges, such as
negotiating (and making war, if necessary) with other European colonies
and native tribes. Winning the hearts of the colonists (by making they
feel that the colony is their home) is the key to getting enough support
to fight for independence. Allowing religious freedom in your colony
will attract more colonists persecuted for their faith in Europe.

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