

The FAAC project includes the AAC encoder FAAC and decoder FAAD2. It supports several MPEG-4 object types (LC, Main, LTP, HE AAC, PS) and file formats (ADTS AAC, raw AAC, MP4), multichannel and gapless en/decoding as well as MP4 metadata tags. The codecs are compatible with standard-compliant audio applications using one or more of these profiles.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-10-21 19:32 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Die neue Niederlassung für den AAC-Decoder faad2 wurde auf der FAAC-Projekt hinzugefügt, um seine zukünftigen Versionen unabhängig von der Encoder FAAC Dokument.
Tags: FAAD2, Initial freshmeat announcement
The new branch for the AAC decoder FAAD2 was added to the FAAC project in order to document its future releases independently from the encoder FAAC.

Project Resources