

Darcs is an advanced revision control system. It
has two particularly distinctive features which
differ from other revision control systems: each
copy of the source is a fully functional branch,
and underlying it is a consistent and powerful
theory of patches. In spite of its power, darcs is
simple to use, in part because of the symmetry
that is restored by making each copy of the
repository a branch.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-05-25 17:08 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Eine Reihe von Bugs, die in Version 1.0.2 vorhanden, wurden behoben. Ganz besonders, gab es eine (in der Regel harmlos) Fehler in darcs 1.0.2, die eine erschreckende Nachricht führte über einen Fehler in schriftlicher Form ausstehenden Änderungen. Neben Bugfixes gab es auch einige Interface-Verbesserungen, einschließlich einer verbesserten unpull / unrecord Patch-Auswahl-Schnittstelle und feinere Kontrolle über die Farbgebung und den Charakter seiner Flucht in Ausgabe darcs.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A number of bugs that were present in version
1.0.2 have been fixed. Most particularly, there
was a (generally harmless) bug in darcs 1.0.2
which led to a frightening message about an error
in writing pending changes. Besides bugfixes,
there were also some interface enhancements,
including an improved unpull/unrecord patch
selection interface and finer-grained control over
colorization and character escaping in darcs'

Project Resources