

Craftsman Spy is a framework for JDBC logging. It
is a JDBC driver implementation which logs all SQL
connections and processing with the spent
execution time, all the stored procedures with
arguments, all the batch processing, and the
result sets.


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2005-12-06 11:07 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Der JDBC-Verbindung IDs Eigenschaft wurde umbenannt und unlogged den Reihen von Prepared Statements wurden behoben. Weitere Kontrollen sind in der Batch-Logging-und Log-Warnungen aus. Alle Chargen werden nun protokolliert, wenn ein SQL-Ausnahme bei den Methoden der Aussage auftritt.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The JDBC connexion IDs property was renamed and unlogged batches from prepared statements were fixed. More controls are made in the batch logging and log warnings. All batches are now logged when a SQL exception occurs in the statement's methods.

Project Resources