

BetterAWStats is an Web server log analysis tool that provides better statistics from the data provided by AWStats. It is not a replacement for AWStats. The most significant features are rolling months and days and support for new types of charts (maps etc.). The overall goal is to make the data more accessible for the user.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-03-03 23:05 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Data Zeit Lesung wurde von ca. 60 mal, indem Sie die Datei index statt preg erhöht. Stündliche Statistik wurden hinzugefügt. Domain-Statistiken wurden hinzugefügt. Eine Bibliothek für die Daten-Datei wurde erstellt. Message Parsing wurde verbessert. Eine Funktion, die Bibliothek Daten aus awstats parse geschrieben wurde.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Data reading time was increased by around 60 times
by using the file index instead of preg. Hourly
stats were added. Domain stats were added. A
library file was created for data. Message file
parsing was improved. A function to parse library
data from awstats was written.

Project Resources