

Bazaar is a simple decentralized revision control system. Decentralized revision control systems give users the ability to branch remote repositories to a local context. Users can commit to local branches without requiring special permission from the branches that they branched from.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-12-15 07:48 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Dieses Beta enthält Updates für alle bekannten Bugs, einschließlich Fixes für stabile Vorversionen gemacht. Es enthält viele Verbesserungen im intelligente Server, UI Polnisch für die co-located Zweige, Optimierungen für Überarbeitung Bezeichner Geschichte Größe Operationen, Verbesserungen an den Config-Rahmen zu vermeiden Bugfixes im Zusammenhang mit Unicode Pfade und vieles mehr.
Tags: Beta, Bugfixes
This beta contains fixes for all known bugs, including fixes made for previous stable releases. It includes many improvements in the smart server, UI polish for
the colocated branches, optimizations for revision specifiers to avoid history sized operations, enhancements to the config framework, bugfixes
related to Unicode paths, and more.

Project Resources