

The Bait and Switch Honeypot System combines the snort Intrusion Detection System (IDS) with honeypot technology to create a system that reacts to hostile intrusion attempts by marking and then redirecting all "bad" traffic to a honeypot that partially mirrors your production system. Once switched, the would-be hacker is unknowingly attacking your honeypot instead of the real data, while your clients and/or users are still safely accessing the real system. Life goes on, your data is safe, and you get to learn about the bad guy as an added benefit. It works with Snort 1.9.0, 1.9.1, and 2.0.2.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
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2003-09-29 11:59
Beta 2.0

Diese Version verwendet Snort 2.0.2 statt 1,91.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements
This release uses Snort 2.0.2 instead of 1.91.

2003-02-24 21:25

Dieser Code funktioniert und hat keine bekannten Bugs. Es ist immer noch in der Beta durch geplante kurzfristige Schnittstelle und Dokumentation Verbesserungen.
Tags: Stable, Initial freshmeat announcement
This code works and has no known bugs. It's still in beta due to planned short-term interface and documentation enhancements.

Project Resources