Foren: 公開討議 (Thread #35330)

Warning message (BASICAcc). (2014-04-18 10:23 by giorgos #72670)

Hi! :-)

I just run BASICAcc on Debian Wheezy (the stable version) x64 KDE and (when I execute a compiled program) I keep getting this message:
"(NoName:3424): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_drawable_get_size: assertion `GDK_IS_DRAWABLE (drawable)' failed"

Any ideas?
TIA! :-)

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Re: Warning message (BASICAcc). (2014-04-18 15:07 by SHIRAISHI Kazuo #72674)

The library for BASICAcc Linux64 depends on GTK2.0.
Linux KDE runs without GTK2, so I wonder it lacks GTK2 libraies.
Is your Lazarus original ?
If Lazarus has been installed via linux distributor's repository, this may happen.
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Re: Warning message (BASICAcc). (2014-04-19 04:49 by giorgos #72683)

[Reply To Message #72674]
> The library for BASICAcc Linux64 depends on GTK2.0.
> Linux KDE runs without GTK2, so I wonder it lacks GTK2 libraies.
> Is your Lazarus original ?
> If Lazarus has been installed via linux distributor's repository, this may happen.

I installed the official DEB installers from SF.NET, but I tried also the repository version, and brings up the same warning message.

I think GTK2 runtimes are at prerequisites, but I'm not sure because I have them installed here, from earlier (even the development ones).

Anyway! Since it's an FPC problem (not a BASICAcc one) I may ask at FPC forum.
THANKS!!! :-)
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Re: Warning message (BASICAcc). (2014-04-19 16:48 by SHIRAISHI Kazuo #72691)

I confirmed that Kubuntu 14.04 (amd64) + lazarus 1.2.0 allows BASICAcc to work properly. The problem may not concern KDE.

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