Takeda Toshiya氏による、エミュレータコレクション、Common Source Code Project ( http://homepage3.nifty.com/takeda-toshiya/ )をQtに移植した …だけではなく、富士通FM-8/7シリーズのコードを積極的にContribしています。
** Qt porting and FM-7/77/AV/AV40/EX for Common Source Code Project **
This package is Qt5 porting of Common Source Code Project (CSP) and built with Qt5, for Windows, built with MinGW(32bit).
Source Code:
Additional INFO:
Common Source Code Project (CSP) is good emulator writing. It also distributed with GPLv2, this is good for me.
But codes are specified to M$ Visual C. I'm using GNU/Linux, and I starting to apply FM-7(or later).
So, I start to port to GNU/Linux and using Qt4/Qt5.
What you need at least:
a. Qt5 (neither Qt3 and Qt4) toolkit: Qt5.3 or later.
b. Some OpenGL implementation, maybe at leaset OpenGL v2.x .
c. gcc / g++ (5.0 or later? ) or llvm clang / clang++ (3.5 or later?) toolchain.
d. SDL2 (not SDL1.x).
e. CMake 2.8 or later.
* TIPS: If emufoo.exe don't show screen drawing, set environment variable QT_OPENGL to software (i.e. Using Windows as VirtualBox's gueat OS).
3.How to build:
After extracting (or git pulled) sourcecodes:
$ cd {srctop}/source/build-cmake/{Machine name}/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
To configure:
$ cmake ..
$ ccmake ..
To build:
$ make
To install:
$ sudo make install
4.Qt specified notice:
a. I tested to build only under Debian GNU/Linux "sid",Ubuntu Linux 16.04LTS "Xenial" for AMD64 (x86_64) and MinGW with GCC6 (Windows 32bit).
b. Now, I using Qt5 as toolkit, because authors of Qt announced "Qt4 is obsolete, will be updated no longer".
c. All of virtual machines are already ported to Qt (On Oct 29, 2015).
d. Now using GCC-6.1 with Link Time Optimize to build for distrubuted binaries.
e. Implemented socket, networking for MZ-2500, but, not tested yet (;´Д`)
Project Page:
Upstream (Takeda Toshiya San's original code):
Special thanks to:
* To see older changes, read ChangeLog and 000_gitlog.txt.
* SNAPSHOT Mar 04, 2018
-- Mar 04, 2018 11:22:02 +0900 K.Ohta <whatisthis.sowhat@gmail.com>
Upstream changes: * To see older upstream's changes, read history.txt.
PC98RL support NEC PC-98RL PC9801/DISPLAY update for hireso mode PC9801/DISPLAY fix for the case gdc scroll parameters are invalid PC9801/MEMBUS update for hireso mode PC9801/MEMBUS support outport 053Dh PC9801/MEMBUS move memory map routine from VM class to MEMBUS class
VM/I286 fix not to clear cycles in reset() VM/I386 fix not to clear cycles in reset() VM/I386 improve mov_r16_rm16 instruction to check limit VM/I386 fix debugger
PC9801RA support NEC PC-9801RA
VM/I8237 fix bank register and inc mask register
PC9801/DISPLAY fix array length of analog palette PC9801/MEMBUS improve memory bus for i386 or later (partial)
VM/DISK improve for case 2D/2DD disk is inserted to 2DD/2D drive
FMR30/FLOPPY support to change drive type 2DD/2HD FMR30/FLOPPY support to get media type 2D/2DD/2HD FMR50/BIOS suppoert int 93h, ah=00h/01h to set/get drive type FMR50/BIOS improve int 93h, ah=02h to get sector size and media type FMR50/FLOPPY support to change drive type 2DD/2HD MZ80A support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD MZ80B support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD MZ80B support to select cpu clock 4MHz/6MHz MZ800 support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD MZ1500 support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD MZ2200 support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD MZ2200 support to select cpu clock 4MHz/6MHz MZ2800/FLOPPY support to change drive type 2DD/2HD PC100 support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD PC100/IOCTRL improve dipswitch value for floppy drive type 2D/2DD X1TURBO support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD/2HD X1TURBO/FLOPPY support to change drive type 2D/2DD/2HD
VM/DISK support two side VM/I8237 support address mask VM/I8237 fix interface to connect tc signal for ch.2-4 VM/IO support to create multiple instances with different address range VM/MC6840 fix issue for the case address range is not 0-7 VM/MEMORY support to create multiple instances with different address ranges VM/UPD765A fix st3 in sence devstat command
FM16BETA support FUJITSU FM16beta (not work) FMR50/MEMORY fix memset issue PC9801 fix to connect terminal count signal from dmac to fdc
Have fun! -- Ohta.
** Qt porting for Common Source Code Project **
K.Ohta <whatisthis.sowhat _at_ gmail.com>
* If you can't read Japanese, read readme.qt.txt .
0. 概要
1. 背景
2. 最低限必要なもの(Qt版)
3. ビルドの方法
4. Qt固有の話
5. 移植状況
6. Upstream repositry:
7. Project Page:
8. Upstream (Takeda Toshiyaさんのオリジナル)
Special thanks to:
ChangeLog: * 前の変更点をお読みになる場合には、ChangeLogと000_gitlog.txtをお読み下さい。
* SNAPSHOT Mar 04, 2018
-- Mar 04, 2018 11:22:02 +0900 K.Ohta <whatisthis.sowhat@gmail.com>
本家の変更: * 前の変更点をお読みになる場合には、history.txtをお読み下さい。
PC98RL support NEC PC-98RL PC9801/DISPLAY update for hireso mode PC9801/DISPLAY fix for the case gdc scroll parameters are invalid PC9801/MEMBUS update for hireso mode PC9801/MEMBUS support outport 053Dh PC9801/MEMBUS move memory map routine from VM class to MEMBUS class
VM/I286 fix not to clear cycles in reset() VM/I386 fix not to clear cycles in reset() VM/I386 improve mov_r16_rm16 instruction to check limit VM/I386 fix debugger
PC9801RA support NEC PC-9801RA
VM/I8237 fix bank register and inc mask register
PC9801/DISPLAY fix array length of analog palette PC9801/MEMBUS improve memory bus for i386 or later (partial)
VM/DISK improve for case 2D/2DD disk is inserted to 2DD/2D drive
FMR30/FLOPPY support to change drive type 2DD/2HD FMR30/FLOPPY support to get media type 2D/2DD/2HD FMR50/BIOS suppoert int 93h, ah=00h/01h to set/get drive type FMR50/BIOS improve int 93h, ah=02h to get sector size and media type FMR50/FLOPPY support to change drive type 2DD/2HD MZ80A support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD MZ80B support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD MZ80B support to select cpu clock 4MHz/6MHz MZ800 support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD MZ1500 support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD MZ2200 support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD MZ2200 support to select cpu clock 4MHz/6MHz MZ2800/FLOPPY support to change drive type 2DD/2HD PC100 support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD PC100/IOCTRL improve dipswitch value for floppy drive type 2D/2DD X1TURBO support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD/2HD X1TURBO/FLOPPY support to change drive type 2D/2DD/2HD
VM/DISK support two side VM/I8237 support address mask VM/I8237 fix interface to connect tc signal for ch.2-4 VM/IO support to create multiple instances with different address range VM/MC6840 fix issue for the case address range is not 0-7 VM/MEMORY support to create multiple instances with different address ranges VM/UPD765A fix st3 in sence devstat command
FM16BETA support FUJITSU FM16beta (not work) FMR50/MEMORY fix memset issue PC9801 fix to connect terminal count signal from dmac to fdc
お楽しみあれ! -- Ohta.
* SNAPSHOT Mar 04, 2018
-- Mar 04, 2018 11:22:02 +0900 K.Ohta <whatisthis.sowhat@gmail.com>
* SNAPSHOT Feb 16, 2018 FM7 TEST1
This is compatibility with older settings. GUI's menu (for eFM8/eFMNEW7/eFM7*) must change order of boor menu entry.
-- Feb 16, 2018 06:02:49 +0900 K.Ohta <whatisthis.sowhat@gmail.com>