(Go to Japanese Help/Docs page)
You can store all manner of document files from the 'Docs' menu - text, html, PDF, graphics and various types of office file. Each file is accessible through a unique URL and document version history is also possible. Also you can switch between English and Japanese documents based on the user's language environment.
Only the project admin and document admin can enter and edit documents. Anybody can view documents by default, but it is also possible to place viewer restrictions on each document.
The OSDN document facility includes categories (tabs) as well as the documents themselves. Each document exists in one or more category, divided between them, just like files in folders.
root +-- category1 | +-- doc1 | +-- doc2 | +-- category2 | +-- doc3 | +-- doc4 +-- doc5
Documents are entered either from the 'Docs' -> 'Submit' menu item or from the "Create new document" link at the top right of the list of documents (only shown for project and documents admin).
Documents have properties as shown in the table below. They all use either the default value or have to have their value entered individually.
Doc name | Displayed as title in the list of documents |
Explantion | Supplementary information displayed underneath the title in the list of documents. Records concise summaries of the document contents etc. |
Admin URL name | Identifies the document. Unique name within the project. As it is also used for the URL it must be made up of alphanumeric characters, '-' (minus), '_' (underscore) and '.' (period) only. |
Access type | Document access rights."Public", where anybody can access it, is the standard, "Member" documents can only be accessed by project members while "Private" documents may only be accessed by the project and document admin. |
Language | Sets document language. If you leave this as "Japanese" then it will be shown to users with a Japanese language environment. You can have two documents per admin-url - Japanese and English so it is possible to show one to English and one to Japanese language users. |
Category | Key (or tag) used to categorize documents. You can show just documents from a category by selecting it on the list of documents. It is possible set multiple categories. |
File type | Document file type. Set whether it is text, html, PDF, etc. This setting determines how the document's contents are displayed when you view them. |
Upload file | When you want to upload a PDF, graphic or office file this is where you do it. Click 'browse' and select the file you want to upload. |
Document contents | If the document is a text or html file copy the contents here (or type it directly here). |
Above are the new document properties. You can also set one document status in addition to them.
Active | Normal display condition. Anybody can view it. |
Pending | Only project and document admin can view it. |
Deleted | Deleted and unable to be viewed (however it is not actually deleted). |
The document status can be changed by editing after it is first created.
Documents are viewed from the 'Docs' menu. First displayed is a list of those documents that in the root category and those that are in both root and a higher level category.
You can also access documents directly using the following URL.
https://osdn.net/projects/<projectname>/docs/<admin URL name>You can also set language and version to access them with URLs like the following:
https://osdn.net/projects/<projectname>/docs/<admin URL name>/<language>/<version>/<admin URL name>+<file extension>When you omit the language from the URL the version displayed gives precedence to that which matches the user language environment (English or Japanese). If that language version of the document does not exist the other language is shown. Also if you omit the version then either the latest version, or that which has been set to be the 'archive version' is displayed.
なお、英語環境に設定しているユーザーから文書一覧を見ると、日本語だけを用意している文書は一覧にはでてきません。右上にある国旗のアイコンで日本を選択して初めてそこに文書があることが確認できます。英語環境のユーザーにも何らかの形で文書の存在を示したい場合は、文書名と説明に「Japanease Only」とだけでも英語文書を作成しておくことをお勧めします。
カテゴリ名 | カテゴリとして表示される文字。日本語など任意の文字が利用可能。あとから編集可能 |
管理URL名 | 内部で管理している文字列。現在は利用する場面はないが、プロジェクト内で一意である必要がある。URLで利用できる英数字、「-_.」(マイナス、アンダースコア、ピリオド)の文字のみ利用可能。あとから編集可能 |
上位カテゴリ名 | カテゴリはツリー構造を持つことができ、各カテゴリは必ず1つ上位(親)カテゴリを持つ。ルート(Root)カテゴリが最上位のカテゴリ。どのカテゴリを上位とするかはあとから編集可能 |
カテゴリ名 | 開発仕様書 |
管理URL名 | spec |
上位カテゴリ名 | ルート |
Active | 通常の表示状態。誰でも閲覧可能 |
Hidden | プロジェクト管理者および文書管理者のみ閲覧可能 |
Deleted | 削除状態となり、閲覧できなくなる。ただし、実際には削除されていない |
A:文書の作成・編集で、ファイルタイプを「Plain Text」もしくは「HTML」にしていた際は、アップロードファイルの項目からファイルのアップロードが可能です。アップロードされたファイルは中身が取り出され、文書の中身として登録されます。
A:ファイルタイプがHTMLとなっており、文書内容がHTMLの場合は、文書を表示した際、HTMLが解釈され、そのHTMLよってどのようなページが表示されるかがわかります。HTMLのソースを表示しておきたい場合は、ファイルタイプを「Plain Text」に設定してください。通常のテキストファイルと同様に、そのまま中身が表示されます。
LastUpdate: 2016-10-04 12:46:09, ModifiedBy: ishikawa
GNU Free Documentation License
view:all, edit:members, delete/config:members