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Rev. Zeit Autor
5bcabc5 clang 2020-03-17 07:26:55 shimitei

[Fix] canot take the adress

5be4567 2020-03-17 07:26:28 shimitei

clang setup

b6b861d master 2020-02-16 22:04:35 deskull

Merge pull request #40011 (phonohawk/hengband/with-varpath into master).

2b48189 2020-02-08 15:09:30 PHO

[Feature] Add ./configure option "--with-varpath=PATH"

On Unix-like platforms, it is often desirable to install files that
will be modified after installation under a separate directory tree
from that containing read-only data files. This is so that read-only
files can reside in a read-only file system, and also package managers
can update or remove read-only files without worrying about removing
user data.

The new option "--with-varpath=PATH", when specified, configures the
game so that certain directories, namely apex, bone, data, edit, user,
and save, will be created under the given path, as opposed to the path
specified with "--with-libpath=PATH". When the option is not given,
those directories will be created under the lib directory as before.

ac1c992 2020-02-08 00:30:56 deskull

Merge pull request #40005 (phonohawk/hengband/fix-build-unix into master).

ca5f7b9 2020-02-06 15:26:56 PHO

[Fix] Fix a build failure that occurs when --disable-japanese is in effect

b5d4569 2020-02-06 15:25:30 PHO

[Fix] #39669 Fix build on non-Windows platforms

7a18786 2020-01-28 00:19:01 deskull

[Fix] #37353 英語版のビルドエラー修正 / Fix build error in English.

7d50dd8 2019-10-18 01:01:59 deskull

Merge pull request #39637 (taotao/hengband/refresh_mon_list into master).

d1d713b 2019-10-04 23:12:26 taotao54321


649a1e1 2019-04-10 19:50:13 deskull

[fix] #37353 "floor" 変数がリリースビルド時のmath.hと重複していたので修正。

7fc80e9 2019-04-03 23:58:23 deskull

[Fix] #37285 ティボルトのUNIQUE属性付加忘れを修正。

7cbf3df 2019-04-03 23:51:42 deskull

[fix] #38790 チャージマンが分裂処理とあやしい影の時はジュラル星人と誤認しないよう処理を追加。

e6612a2 2019-04-03 09:28:42 deskull

[Refactor] #39076 /* Check for quest completion */ と /* Reset sleep counter */ を削除。

e09d1cc 2019-04-03 09:07:06 deskull

[Refactor] monster_name() で一部 cmd2.c の投擲対象処理を整理。

31bc4ee 2019-04-02 23:51:36 deskull

[Refactor] #37353 chest_traps を trap.c へ移動。

bb88332 2019-04-02 23:42:36 deskull

[Refactor] #37353 未使用関数宣言 create_name() を削除。

9d59b53 2019-04-02 23:38:58 deskull

[Refactor] #37353 monster_name() を monster.h へ移動。

050cea8 2019-04-02 10:12:25 deskull

[Refactor] #37353 cmd-mane.h を作成して変数宣言移動。 mane.c を cmd-mane.c に改名。

cd01ea3 2019-04-02 09:03:40 deskull

[Refactor] #37353 cmd-hissatsu.h を作成して変数宣言移動。

e2ab1c3 2019-04-01 23:40:54 deskull

[Refactor] #37353 cnv_stat() と modify_stat_value() を player-status.c/h へ移動。

ed19a78 2019-04-01 23:33:17 deskull

[Refactor] #37353 horror_desc, funny_desc, funny_comments を player-status.c に移動。

9e38c1a 2019-04-01 23:33:17 deskull

[Refactor] #39076 object-hook.c のコメント一部削除。

f25e3ab 2019-04-01 23:33:17 deskull

[Refactor] #37353 monster.h に関数定義移動。

3ae0bd3 2019-04-01 23:33:16 deskull

[Fix] #37353 コミットし忘れ修正。

0f00ff0 2019-03-30 19:41:19 deskull

[Refactor] #39077 IDX を MONSTER_IDX や MONRACE_IDX。

7c37e56 2019-03-30 19:21:53 deskull

[Fix] #37353 berserk()のターン追加時の現値参照元が狂戦士化でなく士気高揚になっていたミスを修正。

724983c 2019-03-30 19:17:52 deskull

[Refactor] #39077 POSITION 1件。同ソースインデント修正。

e278870 2019-03-30 18:42:02 deskull

[Refactor] #39076 /* Invulnabilty */ と /* Speed */ を削除。

9e53b58 2019-03-30 18:42:02 deskull

[Refactor] #37353 monster_desc() の宣言を monster.h に移動。