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Commit MetaInfo

Revisione72b1a08111c973b2d53a306a467a37fad0ebc6b (tree)
Zeit2012-07-06 18:34:11
AutorAnton Kasyanov <mind1master@gmai...>
CommiterAnton Kasyanov

Log Message

[#4481] ticket:101 added votes to ticket index

Ändern Zusammenfassung


--- a/ForgeTracker/forgetracker/model/ticket.py
+++ b/ForgeTracker/forgetracker/model/ticket.py
@@ -276,7 +276,11 @@ class Ticket(VersionedArtifact, ActivityObject, VotableArtifact):
276276 milestone_s=self.milestone,
277277 status_s=self.status,
278278 text=self.description,
279- snippet_s=self.summary)
279+ snippet_s=self.summary,
280+ votes_up_i=self.votes_up,
281+ votes_down_i=self.votes_down,
282+ votes_total_i=(self.votes_up-self.votes_down)
283+ )
280284 for k,v in self.custom_fields.iteritems():
281285 result[k + '_s'] = unicode(v)
282286 if self.reported_by:
--- a/ForgeTracker/forgetracker/widgets/ticket_search.py
+++ b/ForgeTracker/forgetracker/widgets/ticket_search.py
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ class SearchHelp(ffw.Lightbox):
8484 <li>User who created the ticket - reported_by_s</li>
8585 <li>Status of the ticket - status</li>
8686 <li>Title of the ticket - summary</li>
87+<li>Votes up/down of the ticket - votes_up/votes_down</li>
88+<li>Votes total of the ticket - votes_total</li>
8789 <li>Custom field - the field name with an underscore in front like _custom</li>
8890 </ul>
8991 <h2>Example searches</h2>