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My own rewrite of the BSD morse code recreational utility

Commit MetaInfo

Revision24dde173fd70d7e080f96c3510248068e2889ae6 (tree)
Zeit2021-08-30 01:58:03
AutorJoel Matthew Rees <joel.rees@gmai...>
CommiterJoel Matthew Rees

Log Message

monday morning 2am keyboard miss

Ändern Zusammenfassung


--- a/bsdmorse.c
+++ b/bsdmorse.c
@@ -208,9 +208,10 @@ decode(s)
208208 {
209209 int i;
211-/* JMR20210830: give it a way to dodge the getop dash madness: */
212- if (*s == ' ')
213- ++s;
211+/* JMR20210830 give it a way to dodge the getopt dash madness: */
212+ if (*s == ' ')
213+ ++s;
214+/* JMR20210830 end. */
214215 for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
215216 if (strcmp(digit[i], s) == 0) {
216217 putchar('0' + i);