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Commit MetaInfo

Revision6b201e2b5f904298c80f7bdff01152d3e1ca4130 (tree)
Zeit2011-02-23 14:40:11
AutorScott Main <smain@goog...>
CommiterAndroid Git Automerger

Log Message

am 9c340334: am 40b35dc5: docs: fix broken links

* commit '9c34033458800742b6c932124bafb358824b7436':

docs: fix broken links

Ändern Zusammenfassung


--- a/samples/HoneycombGallery/_index.html
+++ b/samples/HoneycombGallery/_index.html
@@ -37,15 +37,6 @@ Honeycomb, including:</p>
3737 MainActivity also contains code demonstrating how to animate
3838 showing/hiding fragments (in this case, the TitlesFragment) and the
3939 ActionBar, demonstrating how to smoothly transition between states
40- in your application.</li>
41- <li><a href="src/com/example/android/hcgallery/widget/WidgetProvider.html">WidgetProvider</a>
42- The WidgetProvider class is an implementation of the AppWidgetProvider
43- class, which is a view that can be embedded in other applications.
44- This class is responsible for handling when the instance of this widget
45- is enabled, disabled, created, deleted, or updated.</li>
46- <li><a href="src/com/example/android/hcgallery/widget/WidgetService.html">WidgetService</a>
47- The WidgetService is an implementation of the RemoteViewsService class,
48- which is used to populate the collection view (in this case, a stack
49- widget)</li> </ul>
40+ in your application.</li></ul>
5142 <img alt="Screenshot" src="../images/hcgallery.png" />