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Commit MetaInfo

Revisionfe06634c234727eca85826ddabce46d7d0ce9e73 (tree)
Zeit2016-08-24 23:09:42
AutorNitin Arora <niarora@code...>
CommiterLinux Build Service Account

Log Message

Bluetooth: Prevent multiple register of service change indication

Use Case:
Pair DUT to a remote LE device. The host registers for the service
change indication twice, once when the connection callback is
received and another time, when the SMP process completes

There are a few issues caused by this.
First, the duplicate action of service change indication registeration
is unnecessary.
The registeration that follows the SMP process adds a gatt_if to the
apps holding the current link. This gatt_if (=1) never disconnects
after registeration failure or success. And hence the host can never
physically disconnect the link.

This change removes the service change registeration at SMP
process completion

CRs-Fixed: 1033611
Change-Id: I0d7566e2b4a9d01aa7926cdbe9f528c3941fcfeb

Ändern Zusammenfassung


--- a/bta/dm/bta_dm_act.c
+++ b/bta/dm/bta_dm_act.c
@@ -4471,9 +4471,6 @@ static UINT8 bta_dm_ble_smp_cback (tBTM_LE_EVT event, BD_ADDR bda, tBTM_LE_EVT_D
44714471 else
44724472 {
44734473 sec_event.auth_cmpl.success = TRUE;
4474- /* We also register for Service Changed right after connect. */
4475- if (!p_data->complt.smp_over_br)
4476- GATT_ConfigServiceChangeCCC(bda, TRUE, BT_TRANSPORT_LE);
44774474 }
44794476 if (bta_dm_cb.p_sec_cback)