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Rev. Zeit Autor
0af19a2 2017-07-30 12:26:18 HMML

Fix old forecast clean.

09ecc43 2017-07-30 08:24:09 HMML

Update capistrano.

af3d17b 2017-07-30 08:23:46 HMML

Add exception notification for production.

1596e5c 2017-07-29 00:34:21 HMML

Add reactstrap js.

4f42e4a 2017-07-28 23:51:48 HMML


aada470 2017-07-28 23:50:35 HMML

Enable spring preloader.

b856e8c 2017-07-27 02:16:05 HMML

Add cleanup task for docker deploy.

6d476ae 2017-07-27 02:15:47 HMML

Add daemons gem for delayed_job.

0e8403b 2017-07-27 00:53:58 HMML

Update deploy setting to swtich to mysql and override BUNDLE_BIN...

b2931f8 2017-07-27 00:28:30 HMML

Giveup, switch back to mysql.

8c6d97d 2017-07-26 03:21:26 HMML

Update Gemfile.lock

5e7719a 2017-07-26 03:20:33 HMML

Fix forecast index error...

075faee 2017-07-26 03:20:17 HMML

Drop better errors.

e6110d4 2017-07-26 02:58:43 HMML

Update jma fetcher job.

902d74e 2017-07-26 02:58:26 HMML

Change area data format.

1005e02 2017-07-26 01:18:57 HMML

Try to use CockroachDB.

37f2715 2017-07-26 01:18:45 HMML

Update ignore

a7c1f76 2017-07-25 03:27:49 HMML

Update gems.

7a5b04e 2017-07-25 00:52:23 HMML

Update gitignore.

0445b3e 2017-07-25 00:31:16 HMML

Add user with cancancan and devise.

570f10d 2017-07-25 00:22:14 HMML

Tiny tune.

ee7d5b2 2017-07-18 02:15:06 HMML

Update deploy setting.

af72261 2017-07-18 02:00:44 HMML

Install webpacker.

fea1244 2017-07-18 01:19:03 HMML

Change production driver to postgres.

505a437 2017-07-18 01:18:47 HMML

Update schema.

e402448 2017-07-18 00:41:37 HMML

Rename JMA fetch job and add tempreture support.

2864981 2017-07-17 21:51:56 HMML

Update git ignore.

9e825b2 2017-07-17 21:51:49 HMML

Stop to run rails from guard.

bf32263 2017-07-17 20:56:40 HMML

Run rake app:update with 5.1.2.

0c4c022 2017-07-17 20:50:16 HMML

Update gems and rails to 5.1.2.