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Japanese translation of message catalog for Sawfish Window-Manager

File Info

Rev. bf3f97b9bdd8236282a8ff63e2682b4597f7ec70
Größe 683 Bytes
Zeit 2017-06-05 20:50:58
Autor Takeshi Hamasaki
Log Message

Update ja.po



Tab themes for sawfish. This theme combines flexibility, appealing
look'n'feel and innovative ideas. As of Sawfish 1.8.0 it's the default theme.

It combines 6 themes (Default, Reduce, Glass, Smoothly, Wixda and Flat), bundled
with support for tabbed windowing. StyleTab provides various options like for
titlebar colors or button-order (separately for toplevel windows and transients),
as well as support for having the titlebar on any of the four sides (can be
different for each window, using the "title-position" window-matcher, or
temporary by  clicking on the icon in the titlebar).

Ideas/code taken over from Crux/Anonymous/Mxflat/Reduce themes.

Created by fuchur