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Rev. Zeit Autor
6042941 _branch_r1_5_for_rc php81b 2021-11-21 23:47:59 umorigu

PukiWiki version is "1.5.4" / Year 2021

43989ba 2021-11-21 23:30:13 umorigu

BugTrack/2523 Hide MenuBar area when MenuBar doesn't exist

c3d7466 2021-09-27 01:15:13 umorigu

BugTrack/2520 Remove spaces between heading text and dagger

4999b48 2021-09-26 22:55:21 umorigu

BugTrack/2514 PHP8: uasort with non-static comparison func

ddf5b99 2021-09-26 21:20:43 umorigu

BugTrack/2514 PHP8: Link_autoalias constructor

5528966 2021-06-22 02:12:58 umorigu

BugTrack/2519 Fix search2

a6cac21 2021-03-13 15:14:30 umorigu

BugTrack/2514 Support PHP 8

PHP8 - Backward Incompatible Changes

* Support for deprecated curly braces for offset access has been removed
* Fatal error: Inheritance errors due to incompatible method signatures
* get_magic_quotes_gpc() have been removed
* Fatal error: Undefined constant ( `is_page` )
* Nested ternaries now require explicit parentheses

d03da57 2020-08-21 02:15:36 umorigu

BugTrack/2512 preg_replace with PCRE_UTF8 (/u) option (AutoLink)

* BugTrack/2512 AutoAlias fail for some specific chars
* BugTrack/2518 AutoLink fail for some specific chars

Set /xu option for preg_replace() with /x

017521b 2020-03-22 00:44:54 umorigu

BugTrack/2508 Fix Search result for halfwidth kigo chars

7029b91 2020-03-20 14:21:46 umorigu

BugTrack/2508 Fix search result (FullWidth char / Ignore case)

69ed02d 2020-03-20 10:21:46 umorigu

BugTrack/2387 Improve bugtrack_list table layout

87408f4 2020-03-12 00:01:49 umorigu

BugTrack/2507 StandardJs - JavaScript formatter - Remove semicolons

Install and execute standard:

npm install --save-dev standard
npx standard
npx standard --fix

Standard JS - JavaScript style guide, linter, and formatter

518c037 2020-03-10 22:49:52 umorigu

BugTrack/430 RightBar - Secoud MenuBar (3 columns layout)

0c6e0e1 2020-03-05 00:51:13 umorigu

BugTrack/2387 Fix Calendar layout (too thin)

4227340 2020-03-05 00:50:13 umorigu

BugTrack/2505 Fix calendar_viewer Year-Month filter

02cd42a 2020-02-23 22:51:43 umorigu

BugTrack/2503 Update external site (https or not-found, etc.)

f12368f 2020-02-23 21:45:28 umorigu

BugTrack/2504 Add new mime-types (:config/plugin/attach/mime-type)

a180d55 2020-02-16 12:49:12 umorigu

Now, PukiWiki version is "1.5.3" / Year 2020

2c24553 2020-02-16 12:24:45 umorigu

BugTrack/2465 img plugin spec (ext, attached image) in Document

* Always show image regardless of its extention
* Enable to show page attached images

9d4e660 bugtrack_2002_autoalias5 2020-02-15 23:55:20 umorigu

BugTrack/2319 AutoAlias: Fix: 'IngoreList' words have gone

d4f6d12 2020-02-15 23:24:16 umorigu

BugTrack/2002 AutoAlias redirection in read plugin

77932ee 2020-02-15 22:16:13 teanan

BugTrack/2002 AutoAlias: Link defined keywords in AutoAliasName

Link defined keywords in AutoAliasName page

27df88f 2020-02-13 23:27:13 umorigu

BugTrack/2502 Show list markers of MenuBar ul

* Widen MenuBar - ul margin (0.5em to 1em) to show list marker clearly
* Widen MenuBar itself (9 to 12em) to keep length
of chars (per line) on list items

4e60a05 2020-02-13 04:53:15 umorigu

BugTrack/2500 comment, pcomment plugin: Require msg on submit

cc9ed2b 2020-02-09 11:10:31 umorigu

BugTrack/2501 Set Headings to-top link(dagger) "user-select:none;"

f5924fb 2020-02-09 09:21:33 umorigu

BugTrack/2499 Set Heading anchor text "user-select:none;"

c3d7f1c 2020-02-08 20:06:10 umorigu

BugTrack/2496 Remove tailing "?" in unexisting page link

Enable to click page name on un existing page.
Compatibility: Set $_symbol_noexists = '?' to use previous behavior.

1cc5385 2020-02-08 18:29:30 umorigu

BugTrack/2491 navi plugin: Prev/Next li display:box; option

b5c7a24 2020-02-04 05:43:04 umorigu

BugTrack/2387 Responsive layout for Smartphone

Use flexbox layout with modern web browsers that support CSS3.
Add viewport meta for device width.

* PC (over 768px): horizontal block layout
* Smartphone (under 768px): vertical stack layout

Other details:

* break-all for URL and long words
* Plugin support with media query
* comment, pcomment and article plugin
* tracker and bugtrack plugin
* Suitable word wrap properties
* word-break: break-all;
* overflow-wrap: break-word;
* word-wrap: break-word; (for Compatibility)
* Fix too thin MenuBar for PC layout
* word-break in header
* Responsive edit_form and select for Smartphone
* Responsive images (max-width: 100%)
* Set max-width of div#body
* Fit textarea width to window

2d0e00e bugtrack_2495_apache24_htaccess 2020-01-31 00:34:33 umorigu

BugTrack/2495 .htaccess files in Apache 2.4 format