Liste der Projekte, an denen Go Iwai beteiligt ist


CLDAQ is a class library using C++ to support construction of data acquisition system. CLDAQ provide you with function, network-distributed environment (off course network-undistributed also), object persistency, HW(CAMAC,VME,RS232C,GP...

Geant4 Live DVD

Geant4 is a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter. We provide the Geant4 Live DVD to easy-to-try it just download and burn out. Please see also project portal for further information.

Geant4 Virtual Machine

Geant4 is a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter. We provide the Geant4 Virtual Machine running on VMware Player. Please see also project portal for further information.




KONOEプロジェクトは高エネルギー物理学の分野で用いられるDAQソフトウエアを組み上げるためのツールやライブラリの開発を行なうものです。 KEKにあるプロジェクトサーバーが外部から利用できなくなってしまったので、一時的(2003年9月)にここに避難し...