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Commit MetaInfo

Revisionb27943be1bae28f596d70e30c563b52406ed4481 (tree)
Zeit2014-12-22 20:51:09
AutorKyotaro Horiguchi <horiguchi.kyotaro@lab....>
CommiterKyotaro Horiguchi

Log Message

Fix the method to write query number in debug print.

Query numbers in debug output should be written using qnostr, not qno.

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--- a/pg_hint_plan.c
+++ b/pg_hint_plan.c
@@ -1134,12 +1134,12 @@ HintStateDump2(HintState *hstate)
11341134 if (!hstate)
11351135 {
11361136 elog(pg_hint_plan_message_level,
1137- "pg_hint_plan[qno=0x%x]: HintStateDump:\nno hint", qno);
1137+ "pg_hint_plan%s: HintStateDump:\nno hint", qnostr);
11381138 return;
11391139 }
11411141 initStringInfo(&buf);
1142- appendStringInfo(&buf, "pg_hint_plan[qno=0x%x]: HintStateDump: ", qno);
1142+ appendStringInfo(&buf, "pg_hint_plan%s: HintStateDump: ", qnostr);
11431143 desc_hint_in_state(hstate, &buf, "{used hints", HINT_STATE_USED, true);
11441144 desc_hint_in_state(hstate, &buf, "}, {not used hints", HINT_STATE_NOTUSED, true);
11451145 desc_hint_in_state(hstate, &buf, "}, {duplicate hints", HINT_STATE_DUPLICATION, true);