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This is a fork of Zandronum Beta for Mac Os (Silicon and Intel)

Commit MetaInfo

Revision2edc2eb5a3dc1276a93d638bddc676d04915187c (tree)
Zeit2022-12-14 07:12:49
AutorAdam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmai...>
CommiterAdam Kaminski

Log Message

Fixed a grammatical error in one of the callvote messages.

Ändern Zusammenfassung


diff -r 4cfb33370553 -r 2edc2eb5a3dc src/callvote.cpp
--- a/src/callvote.cpp Sat Nov 26 22:56:59 2022 -0500
+++ b/src/callvote.cpp Tue Dec 13 17:12:49 2022 -0500
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@
894894 // Kickvotes (can't give the IP to clients!).
895895 if ( callvote_IsKickVote ( i->ulVoteType ) && ( !i->bPassed ) && i->KickAddress.CompareNoPort( g_KickVoteVictimAddress ))
896896 {
897- SERVER_PrintfPlayer( ulPlayer, "That specific player was recently on voted to be kicked or forced to spectate, but the vote failed. You must wait %d minute%s to call it again.\n", iMinutesLeft, ( iMinutesLeft == 1 ? "" : "s" ));
897+ SERVER_PrintfPlayer( ulPlayer, "That specific player was recently voted to be kicked or forced to spectate, but the vote failed. You must wait %d minute%s to call it again.\n", iMinutesLeft, ( iMinutesLeft == 1 ? "" : "s" ));
898898 return false;
899899 }