Liste der Projekte, an denen 🎈 BALLOON | FU-SEN beteiligt ist

BaCon - A free BAsic CONverter for Unix

BaCon is a free BASIC to C translator for Unix-based systems, This project page is provided for Japanese. The information in English refers to follows: BaCon


FFFTP is lightweight FTP client software. FFFTP has many useful feature such as directory mirroring, character encdoging conversion, Firewall and SOCK, one-time password support, and so on.

Puppy Linux 日本語版

Puppy Linux(パピーリナックス)は2003年にオーストラリアの Barry Kauler さんによって公開されました。小さく(Precise Puppy 5.5 で 167.5MB)、軽いながらたくさんのアプリケーションを持った Linux です。 この Puppy...


SolydX and SolydK are Debian based distributions with the Xfce and KDE desktop. The size of ISO exceeds 2 GB from the Debian 9 Stretch base, It was difficult to publish from OSDN with 1 file 2 GB limit. Please download via official w...

XOOPS Japanese Support (XOOPS Web Applic

This project page is Japanese support of XOOPS (XOOPS Web Application Platform) XOOPS Web Application Platform