For sigunature's problem, we should override getShow() and
write custom encoding for only the 'sig' field. The
combination of DTYPE_STRING & textarea may have other
problem. We should define the standard pattern for this
case, and write it on Wiki.
Renamed. Is this fixed? Because I thunk about
XoopsSimpleObject on this bug, I'll write how to use
DTYPE_STRING & bbcode with XoopsSimpleObject in wiki.
Same problem on many modules with or without
fckeditor/xoops/etc. Only textarea is working fine.
RC also fail in the process of encode/decode special
entities like latin characters.
The DTYPE_STRING field displays <br/> for the callege
return. This problem is raised on the signature display
and more.
DTYPE_STRING のフィールドが改行を <br/> で表示してしま