[xoops-cvslog 4412] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/service

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Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 9月 1日 (金) 12:13:20 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/service/LegacySearchService.class.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/base/service/LegacySearchService.class.php: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/service/LegacySearchService.class.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/base/service/LegacySearchService.class.php:	Fri Aug  4 13:36:56 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/service/LegacySearchService.class.php	Fri Sep  1 12:13:20 2006
@@ -2,110 +2,264 @@
 if (!defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH')) exit();
-require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/XCube_Service.class.php";
+class Legacy_SearchModule extends XCube_Object
+	function getPropertyDefinition()
+	{
+		$ret = array(
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("int mid"),
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("string name")
+		);
+		return $ret;
+	}
+class Legacy_SearchModuleArray extends XCube_ObjectArray
+	function getClassName()
+	{
+		return "Legacy_SearchModule";
+	}
+class Legacy_SearchItem extends XCube_Object
+	function getPropertyDefinition()
+	{
+		$ret = array(
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("string image"),
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("string link"),
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("string title"),
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("int uid"),
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("int time")
+		);
+		return $ret;
+	}
+class Legacy_SearchItemArray extends XCube_ObjectArray
+	function getClassName()
+	{
+		return "Legacy_SearchItem";
+	}
+class Legacy_SearchModuleResult extends XCube_Object
+	function getPropertyDefinition()
+	{
+		$ret = array(
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("int mid"),
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("string name"),
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("int has_more"),
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("Legacy_SearchItemArray results"),
+			S_PUBLIC_VAR("string showall_link")
+		);
+		return $ret;
+	}
+class Legacy_SearchModuleResultArray extends XCube_ObjectArray
+	function getClassName()
+	{
+		return "Legacy_SearchModuleResult";
+	}
+class Legacy_ArrayOfInt extends XCube_ObjectArray
+	function getClassName()
+	{
+		return "int";
+	}
+class Legacy_ArrayOfString extends XCube_ObjectArray
+	function getClassName()
+	{
+		return "string";
+	}
  * Sample class
 class Legacy_SearchService extends XCube_Service
+	var $mServiceName = "Legacy_SearchService";
+	var $mNameSpace = "Legacy";
+	var $mClassName = "Legacy_SearchService";
 	function prepare()
-		$this->register('GetItems');
+		$this->addType('Legacy_SearchModule');
+		$this->addType('Legacy_SearchModuleArray');
+		$this->addType('Legacy_SearchItem');
+		$this->addType('Legacy_SearchItemArray');
+		$this->addType('Legacy_SearchModuleResult');
+		$this->addType('Legacy_SearchModuleResultArray');
+		$this->addType('Legacy_ArrayOfInt');
+		$this->addType('Legacy_ArrayOfString');
+//		$this->addFunction(S_PUBLIC_FUNC('Legacy_SearchModuleResultArray getItems(int uid, current_uid uid, Legacy_ArrayOfString queries, string andor, int max_hit, int start, Legacy_ArrayOfInt mids)'));
+		$this->addFunction(S_PUBLIC_FUNC('Legacy_SearchItemArray searchItems(int mid, Legacy_ArrayOfString queries, string andor, int maxhit, int start)'));
+		$this->addFunction(S_PUBLIC_FUNC('Legacy_SearchItemArray searchItemsOfUser(int mid, int uid, int maxhit, int start)'));
+		$this->addFunction(S_PUBLIC_FUNC('Legacy_SearchModuleArray getActiveModules()'));
+		$this->addFunction(S_PUBLIC_FUNC('Legacy_ArrayOfString echos(Legacy_ArrayOfString test)'));
-	/**
-	 * @param $parameters['uid'] Target user's id
-	 * @param $parameters['current_uid'] Current user's id
-	 * @param $parameters['maxhit'] Max hit count of each modules. The default value is 5.
-	 * @param $parameters['mid'] If this is specified, search only one module.
-	 */
-	function GetItems($uid = 0, $current_uid = 0, $queries = null, $andor = null, $max_hit = 5, $start = null, $mids = null)
+	function echos(&$user, $params)
 		$ret = array();
-		$uid = intval($uid);
-		$current_uid = intval($current_uid);
-		if ($andor == null) {
-			$andor == "AND";
+		foreach ($params['test'] as $t_str) {
+			$ret[] = $t_str;
-		$userHandler =& xoops_gethandler('user');
-		$currentUser =& $userHandler->get($current_uid);
-		$gpermHandler = & xoops_gethandler( 'groupperm' );
-		$groups = is_object($currentUser) ? $currentUser->getGroups() : XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS;
+		return $ret;
+	}
+	function getActiveModules(&$user, $params)
+	{
 		// At first, get active module IDs.
-		$moduleHandler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
+		$handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
-		if (!is_array($mids) || (is_array($mids) && count($mids) == 0)) {
-			$criteria =& new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('hassearch', 1));
-			$criteria->add(new Criteria('isactive', 1));
-			$mids =& array_keys($moduleHandler->getList($criteria));
-		}
+		$criteria =& new CriteriaCompo();
+		$criteria->add(new Criteria('isactive', 1));
+		$criteria->add(new Criteria('hassearch', 1));
+		$moduleArr =& $handler->getObjects($criteria);
+		$handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
+		$groupArr = Legacy_SearchUtils::getUserGroups($user);
+		$ret = array();
+		foreach ($moduleArr as $module) {
+			if ($handler->checkRight('module_read', $module->get('mid'), $groupArr)) {
+				$ret[] = array(
+					'mid' => $module->get('mid'),
+					'name' => $module->get('name')
+				);
+			}
+		}
+		return $ret;
+	}
+	function searchItems(&$user, $params)
+	{
-		// Next, fetch from $mids[], and check read permission.
-		// If user can read the module information, execute search.
+		// TODO Need validation
+		$ret = $this->_searchItems($user, intval($params['mid']), $params['queries'], $params['andor'], $params['maxhit'], $params['start'], 0);
+		return $ret;
+	}
+	function searchItemsOfUser(&$user, $params)
+	{
+		//
+		// TODO Need validation
+		//
+		$ret = $this->_searchItems($user, intval($params['mid']), null, 'and', intval($params['maxhit']), intval($params['start']), intval($params['uid']));
+		return $ret;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @access private
+	 */
+	function _searchItems(&$user, $mid, $queries, $andor, $max_hit, $start, $uid)
+	{
+		$ret = array();
+		$modleArr = $this->getActiveModules($user, array());
+		$flag = false;
+		foreach ($modleArr as $module) {
+			if ($mid == $module['mid']) {
+				$flag = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!$flag) {
+			return $ret;
+		}
 		$root =& XCube_Root::getSingleton();
 		$timezone = $root->mController->getConfig('server_TZ') * 3600;
+		$handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
+		$module =& $handler->get($mid);
+		if (!is_object($module)) {
+			return $ret;
+		}
-		$i = 0;
-		foreach ($mids as $mid) {
-			if ($gpermHandler->checkRight('module_read', $mid, $groups)) {
-				$module =& $moduleHandler->get($mid);
-				if (!is_object($module)) {
-					continue;
-				}
-				$results =& $module->search($queries, $andor, $max_hit, $start, $uid);
-				$ret[$i]['mid'] = $mid;
-				$ret[$i]['name'] = $module->get('name');
+		if (!$module->get('isactive') || !$module->get('hassearch')) {
+			return $ret;
+		}
+		$results =& $module->search($queries, $andor, $max_hit, $start, $uid);
-				if (is_array($results) && count($results) > 0) {
-					foreach ($results as $result) {
-						$item = array();
-						if (isset($result['image']) && strlen($result['image']) > 0) {
-							$item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $result['image'];
-						}
-						else {
-							$item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/images/icons/posticon2.gif';
-						}
-						$item['link'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $result['link'];
-						$item['title'] = $result['title'];
-						$item['uid'] = $result['uid'];
-						//
-						// TODO If this service will come to web service, we should
-						// change format from unixtime to string by timeoffset.
-						//
-						$item['time'] = isset($result['time']) ? $result['time'] - $timezone : 0;
-						$ret[$i]['results'][] = $item;
-					}
-					$ret[$i]['has_more'] = (count($results) == $max_hit);
+		if (is_array($results) && count($results) > 0) {
+			foreach ($results as $result) {
+				$item = array();
+				if (isset($result['image']) && strlen($result['image']) > 0) {
+					$item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $module->get('dirname') . '/' . $result['image'];
 				else {
-					$ret[$i]['results'] = array();
-					$ret[$i]['showall_link'] = "";
+					$item['image'] = XOOPS_URL . '/images/icons/posticon2.gif';
+				$item['link'] = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $module->get('dirname') . '/' . $result['link'];
+				$item['title'] = $result['title'];
+				$item['uid'] = $result['uid'];
+				//
+				// TODO If this service will come to web service, we should
+				// change format from unixtime to string by timeoffset.
+				//
+				$item['time'] = isset($result['time']) ? $result['time'] - $timezone : 0;
+				$ret[] = $item;
 		return $ret;
-	function isOuterService()
+class Legacy_SearchUtils
+	function getUserGroups(&$user)
-		return false;
+		$groups = array();
+		if ($user->isService() || $user->isGuest()) {
+		}
+		else {
+			$userHandler =& xoops_gethandler('user');
+			$currentUser =& $userHandler->get($user->_mId);	//< FIXME
+			$groups = is_object($currentUser) ? $currentUser->getGroups() : XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS;
+			return $groups;
+		}
+		return $groups;

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