[xoops-cvslog 5451] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/legacy/language/english/help

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Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 10月 22日 (日) 20:43:22 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/legacy/language/english/help/abc_4th.html
diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/modules/legacy/language/english/help/abc_4th.html:
--- /dev/null	Sun Oct 22 20:43:21 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/legacy/language/english/help/abc_4th.html	Sun Oct 22 20:43:21 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<h4>The Forth Step --- Basic User Management</h4>
+<p>At this section, learn the basic user management. Edit permissions of groups, create a new group, and add a new user to groups.</p>
+<h5>The Forth Step (1) --- How to give permissions</h5>
+<p>Your account is an administrator who is able to do anything. But, what do anonymous users and registered users see in your site? Let's confirm it. Click "logout" to become an anonymous user. By that, you are forwarded to the homepage. In there, you notice that the main menu block shows "news" and "forum" for you. The reason is that anonymous users don't have a permission to access these modules. So let's give a permission to anonymous users. Login as an adminstrator, and go to the control panel. And , click "Group Management" of use module in the left block of the control panel.</p>
+<p>You see the group list. These are system-fixed groups, which you have already learned at the second step.</p>
+<p>To change permissions, click the permission icon of the row indicating "Anonymous".</p>
+<p>Next, click a checkbox of news access and forum access to turn on. Then, click "Submit" button.</p>
+<p>Let's confirm the result. Click "logout", and see the homepage again. You will see the display you hope.</p>
+<h5>The Forth Step (2) --- Create a new user</h5>
+<p>Confirm the case of registered users, too. For that, you need to create a new user as a test acoount. At first, click "User Management" of user module in the left block of the control panel.</p>
+<p>Next, click "Create new".</p>
+<p>You see the edit-form to create a new user. You must input User name (Login ID), email and password.</p>
+<h6>User name</h6>
+<p>This is Login ID. You must input an unique name. This time, input "test".</p>
+<h6>Email address</h6>
+<p>You must input an unique email which other users don't use yet, because the precondition of XOOPS2 requests an unique email of each users. This time, input your e-mail address which you don't use for an administrator.</p>
+<p>You should not use dummy e-mail. That's moral.</p>
+<p>Threre are two boxes for password. One of them is verify password. Input the same password to two boxes. This time, input "test"</p>
+<p>After you created a new user successfully, try to login with the new account. But, you can't see news and forum at the main menu block. Yes, the reason is that the registered users group doesn't have permissions. Give the same permission to the registered users in the control panel, like you gave the permission to the anonymous users group.</p>
+<h5>The Forth Step (4) --- Site Launched</h5>
+<p>Now let's launch your site! Go to final settings. You invalidated the new user registration. To change the setting again, click "Preference" of user module in the left block of the control panel.</p>
+<p>Next, enable "Allow new user registration?". And, let's check other settings, too.</p>
+<h6>Allow users to change email address?</h6>
+<p>When a new user registered, specific groups can get the notification-mail.</p>
+<h6>Notify by mail when a new user is registered?</h6>
+<p>When a new user registered, specific groups can get the notify mail.</p>
+<h6>Select activation type of newly registered users</h6>
+  <dt>Require activation by user</dt>
+  <dd>This is the popular setting in the world. A user get the activation mail when he registers. He become able to login by clicking the activation URL on the mail.</dd>
+  <dt>Activate automaticlly</dt>
+  <dd>"Activate automaticlly" ... in other words, there is no activation mechanism.</dd>
+  <dt>Activation by administrators</dt>
+  <dd>A user doesn't become able to login without approval by administrators.</dd>
+<h6>Allow custom avatar upload?</h6>
+<p>If you allow it, user become able to upload his avatar freedom.</p>
+<h6>Site Launch</h6>
+<p>Everything is set. Push "Submit" button!</p>
+<h5>The Forth Step (3) --- Add administrator team mate</h5>

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