[xoops-cvslog 1823] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english

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Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 1月 17日 (火) 19:39:10 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/main.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/main.php: xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/main.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/main.php:	Tue Jan 10 08:27:29 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/main.php	Tue Jan 17 19:39:10 2006
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+define('_MD_USER_ERROR_EMAIL_FORMAT', "email format");
+define('_MD_USER_ERROR_SEND_MAIL', "send mail");
+define('_MD_USER_LANG_EMAIL', "email");
 define('_US_ACONTACT', "Selected account is already activated!");
 define('_US_ACTKEYNOT', "Activation key not correct!");
 define('_US_ACTLOGIN', "Your account has been activated. Please login with the registered password.");
@@ -106,4 +110,5 @@
 define('_US_YOURREGISTERED', "You are now registered. An email containing an user activation key has been sent to the email account you provided. Please follow the instructions in the mail to activate your account. ");
 define('_US_YOURREGISTERED2', "You are now registered.  Please wait for your account to be activated by the adminstrators.  You will receive an email once you are activated.  This could take a while so please be patient.");
 define('_US_YOURREGMAILNG', "You are now registered. However, we were unable to send the activation mail to your email account due to an internal error that had occurred on our server. We are sorry for the inconvenience, please send the webmaster an email notifying him/her of the situation.");

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