[xoops-cvslog 2201] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/install/language/english

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Tom Hayakawa tom_g3x****@users*****
2006年 2月 4日 (土) 02:16:37 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/install.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/install.php:1.2 xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/install.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/install.php:1.2	Fri Mar 18 21:52:14 2005
+++ xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/install.php	Sat Feb  4 02:16:36 2006
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-// $Id: install.php,v 1.2 2005/03/18 12:52:14 onokazu Exp $
-define("_INSTALL_L0","Welcome to the Install Wizard for XOOPS 2.0");
+// $Id: install.php,v 2006/02/03 17:16:36 tom_g3x Exp $
+define("_INSTALL_L0","Welcome to the Install Wizard for XOOPS Cube 2.1");
 define("_INSTALL_L70","Please change the file permission for mainfile.php so that it is writeable by the server (i.e. chmod 777 mainfile.php on a UNIX/LINUX server, or check the properties of the file and make sure the read-only flag is not set on a Windows server ). Reload this page once you have changed the permission setting.");
 //define("_INSTALL_L71","Click on the button below to begin the installation.");
 define("_INSTALL_L1","Open mainfile.php with your text editor and find the following codes on line 31:");
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@
 define("_INSTALL_L8","We detected: ");
 define("_INSTALL_L9","( On MS platforms, you may receive this error message even when your configuration is correct. If that is the case, please press the button below to continue)");
 define("_INSTALL_L10","Plesae press the button below to continue if this is really ok.");
-define("_INSTALL_L11","The server path to your XOOPS root directory: ");
-define("_INSTALL_L12","URL to your XOOPS root directory: ");
+define("_INSTALL_L11","The server path to your XOOPS Cube root directory: ");
+define("_INSTALL_L12","URL to your XOOPS Cube root directory: ");
 define("_INSTALL_L13","If the above setting is correct, press the button below to continue.");
 define("_INSTALL_L15","Please open mainfile.php and enter required DB settings data");
 define("_INSTALL_L16","%s is the hostname of your database server.");
 define("_INSTALL_L17","%s is the username of your database account.");
 define("_INSTALL_L18","%s is the password required to access your database.");
-define("_INSTALL_L19","%s is the name of your database in which XOOPS tables will be created.");
+define("_INSTALL_L19","%s is the name of your database in which XOOPS Cube tables will be created.");
 define("_INSTALL_L20","%s is the prefix for tables that will be made during the installation.");
 define("_INSTALL_L21","The following database was not found on the server:");
 define("_INSTALL_L22","Attempt to create it?");
@@ -43,15 +43,15 @@
 define("_INSTALL_L63","This prefix will be added to all new tables created to avoid name conflict in the database. If you are unsure, just use the default 'xoops'.");
 define("_INSTALL_L54","Use persistent connection?");
 define("_INSTALL_L69","Default is 'NO'. Choose 'NO' if you are unsure.");
-define("_INSTALL_L55","XOOPS Physical Path");
-define("_INSTALL_L59","Physical path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash");
-define("_INSTALL_L56","XOOPS Virtual Path (URL)");
-define("_INSTALL_L58","Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash");
+define("_INSTALL_L55","XOOPS Cube Physical Path");
+define("_INSTALL_L59","Physical path to your main XOOPS Cube directory WITHOUT trailing slash");
+define("_INSTALL_L56","XOOPS Cube Virtual Path (URL)");
+define("_INSTALL_L58","Virtual path to your main XOOPS Cube directory WITHOUT trailing slash");
 define("_INSTALL_L31","Could not create database. Contact the server administrator for details.");
 define("_INSTALL_L32","Installation Complete");
 define("_INSTALL_L33","Click <a href='../index.php'>HERE</a> to see the home page of your site.");
-define("_INSTALL_L35","If you had any errors, please contact the dev team at <a href='http://www.xoops.org/' target='_blank'>XOOPS.org</a>");
+define("_INSTALL_L35","If you had any errors, please contact the dev team at <a href='http://xoopscube.org/' target='_blank'>XOOPS Cube.org</a>");
 define("_INSTALL_L36","Please choose your site admin's name and password.");
 define("_INSTALL_L37","Admin Name");
 define("_INSTALL_L38","Admin Email");
@@ -145,17 +145,17 @@
 define("_INSTALL_L138","update comments");
 define("_INSTALL_L139","update avatars");
 define("_INSTALL_L140","update smilies");
-define("_INSTALL_L141","The installer will now update each module to work with XOOPS2.<br />Make sure that you have uploaded all files in XOOPS2 package to your server.<br />This may take a while to complete.");
+define("_INSTALL_L141","The installer will now update each module to work with XOOPS Cube.<br />Make sure that you have uploaded all files in XOOPS Cube package to your server.<br />This may take a while to complete.");
 define("_INSTALL_L142","Updating modules..");
-define("_INSTALL_L143","The installer will now update configuration data of XOOPS 1.3.x to be used with XOOPS2.");
+define("_INSTALL_L143","The installer will now update configuration data of XOOPS 1.3.x to be used with XOOPS Cube.");
 define("_INSTALL_L144","update config");
 define("_INSTALL_L145","Comment (ID: %s) inserted to the database.");
 define("_INSTALL_L146","Could not insert comment (ID: %s) to the database.");
 define("_INSTALL_L147","Updating comments..");
 define("_INSTALL_L148","Update complete.");
-define("_INSTALL_L149","The installer will now update comment posts in XOOPS 1.3.x to be used in XOOPS2.<br />This may take a while to complete.");
-define("_INSTALL_L150","The installer will now update the smiley and user rank images to be used with XOOPS2.<br />This may take a while to complete.");
-define("_INSTALL_L151","The installer will now update the user avatar images to be used in XOOPS2.<br />This may take a while to complete.");
+define("_INSTALL_L149","The installer will now update comment posts in XOOPS 1.3.x to be used in XOOPS Cube.<br />This may take a while to complete.");
+define("_INSTALL_L150","The installer will now update the smiley and user rank images to be used with XOOPS Cube.<br />This may take a while to complete.");
+define("_INSTALL_L151","The installer will now update the user avatar images to be used in XOOPS Cube.<br />This may take a while to complete.");
 define("_INSTALL_L155","Updating smiley/rank images..");
 define("_INSTALL_L156","Updating user avatar images..");
 define("_INSTALL_L157","Select the default user group for each group type");
Index: xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/welcome.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/welcome.php:1.2 xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/welcome.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/welcome.php:1.2	Fri Mar 18 21:52:14 2005
+++ xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/welcome.php	Sat Feb  4 02:16:36 2006
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-// $Id: welcome.php,v 1.2 2005/03/18 12:52:14 onokazu Exp $
+// $Id: welcome.php,v 2006/02/03 17:16:36 tom_g3x Exp $
 $content .=
 "<u><b>What is it?</b></u>
-<b>XOOPS</b> is a dynamic OO (Object Oriented) based open source portal script written in PHP.
-XOOPS supports a number of databases,
-making XOOPS an ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites,
+<b>XOOPS Cube</b> is a dynamic OO (Object Oriented) based open source portal script written in PHP.
+XOOPS Cube supports a number of databases,
+making XOOPS Cube an ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites,
 intra company portals, corporate portals, weblogs and much more.
-XOOPS is released under the terms of the <a href='http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html' target='_blank'>GNU General Public License (GPL)</a> and is free to use and modify.
+XOOPS Cube is released under the terms of the <a href='http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html' target='_blank'>GNU General Public License (GPL)</a> and is free to use and modify.
 It is free to redistribute as long as you abide by the distribution terms of the GPL.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <u><b>Before you install</b></u>
 <li>Setup WWW server, PHP and database server properly.</li>
-<li>Prepare a database for your XOOPS site.</li>
+<li>Prepare a database for your XOOPS Cube site.</li>
 <li>Prepare user account and grant the user the access to the database.</li>
 <li>Make the directories of uploads/, cache/ and templates_c/ and the files of mainfile.php writabale.</li>
 <li>Turn cookie and JavaScript of your browser on.</li>
Index: xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/finish.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/finish.php:1.2 xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/finish.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/finish.php:1.2	Fri Mar 18 21:52:14 2005
+++ xoops2jp/html/install/language/english/finish.php	Sat Feb  4 02:16:36 2006
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-// $Id: finish.php,v 1.2 2005/03/18 12:52:14 onokazu Exp $
+// $Id: finish.php,v 2006/02/03 17:16:36 tom_g3x Exp $
 $content .=
 "<u><b>Your site</b></u>
 <p>Click <a href='../index.php'>HERE</a> to see the home page of your site.</p>
 <u><b>Way to use</b></u>
 <p>[not yet]</p>
-<p>Visit <a href='http://www.xoops.org/' target='_blank'>XOOPS.org</a></p>
+<p>Visit <a href='http://xoopscube.org/' target='_blank'>XOOPS Cube.org</a></p>
\ No newline at end of file

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