[xoops-cvslog 4307] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english

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Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 8月 22日 (火) 00:13:14 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/global.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/global.php: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/global.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/global.php:	Fri Aug 11 10:55:07 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/global.php	Tue Aug 22 00:13:14 2006
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// $Id: global.php,v 2006/08/11 01:55:07 minahito Exp $
+// $Id: global.php,v 2006/08/21 15:13:14 minahito Exp $
 define('_TOKEN_ERROR', 'The strict check prevent from a CRSF... bla bla..Please, submit again to confirm!');
 define('_SYSTEM_MODULE_ERROR', 'Following Modules are not installed.');
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
 define("_WHOSONLINE","Who's Online");
 define('_GUESTS', 'Guests');
 define('_MEMBERS', 'Members');
-define("_ONLINEPHRASE","<b>%s</b> user(s) are online");
-define("_ONLINEPHRASEX","<b>%s</b> user(s) are browsing <b>%s</b>");
+define("_ONLINEPHRASE","%s user(s) are online");
+define("_ONLINEPHRASEX","%s user(s) are browsing %s");
 define("_CLOSE","Close");  // Close window
 //%%%%%%	File Name module.textsanitizer.php 	%%%%%
Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/admin.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/admin.php: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/admin.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/admin.php:	Mon Aug 21 12:46:17 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/admin.php	Tue Aug 22 00:13:14 2006
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MOD_DIR_NAME', "Module directory");
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MOD_LICENSE_INFO', "Licence Information ");
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODINSTALL', "Module install");
-define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODINSTALL_ADVICE', "Are you sure to install <b>_%s_</b>?");
+define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODINSTALL_ADVICE', "Are you sure to install _%s_?");
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODINSTALL_CONF', "Are you sure to install the module?");
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODINSTALL_LIST_ADVICE', "Delete unused module files from server to keep security of your site.  ");
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODINSTALL_LOG', "module install log");
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODUNINSTALL_CONF', "Confirm module uninstall");
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODUNINSTALL_LOG', "Module uninstall log");
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODUNINSTALL_SUCCESS', "The module is successfully uninstalled.");
-define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODUPDATE_ADVICE', "Are you sure to update <b>_%s_</b>?");
+define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODUPDATE_ADVICE', "Are you sure to update _%s_?");
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODUPDATE_CONF', "Confirm module update.");
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODUPDATE_LOG', "Module update log");
 define('_AD_BASE_LANG_MODUPDATE_SUCCESS', "The module is successfully updated.");
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
 define('_AD_BASE_TIPS_ADD_CUSTOM_BLOCK', "<a href=\"index.php?action=BlockInstallList\">Install new blocks</a>, and set your site!<br/>If you want to get a free block except modules' blocks, <a href=\"index.php?action=CustomBlockEdit\">create cutom block</a> and write your message to it.");
 define('_AD_BASE_TIPS_BLOCK_UNINSTALL', "Even if you uninstall the block, the configuration of the block isn't deleted. The block is removed only from display of your site. Therefore you can re-install the block easily because the installer recovers last configure.");
 define('_AD_BASE_TIPS_CUSTOM_BLOCK_UNINSTALL', "Even if you uninstall the custom block, the configuration of the block isn't deleted. The block is removed only from display of your site. You can re-install or delete it from database at <a href=\"index.php?action=BlockInstallList\">'install block' page</a>.");
-define('_AD_BASE_TIPS_IMGCAT_STORETYPE', "Please choose either the file or the database for the storage scheme of image files. <strong>This setting cannot be changed later.</strong><br/>Do keep in mind that if you select the database as the storage destination, image files will be stored as BLOB type data which may not be suitable for backup purposes.");
+define('_AD_BASE_TIPS_IMGCAT_STORETYPE', "Please choose either the file or the database for the storage scheme of image files. This setting cannot be changed later.<br/>Do keep in mind that if you select the database as the storage destination, image files will be stored as BLOB type data which may not be suitable for backup purposes.");
 define('_AD_BASE_TIPS_INSTALL_BLOCK', "Let's customize your site with installing your favorite blocks. You can edit the block's options when you install the block.");
 define('_AD_BASE_TIPS_THEME_ADMIN', "Do you change your site's looks to your favorite? Click 'select' button to change theme.<br/> Do you think your site theme should be selectable by users?  Add themes to theme selection block with checking checkboxes. To learn more details, read the help.");
 define('_MD_AM_ADMINML', "Admin mail address");
@@ -247,13 +247,13 @@
 define('_MD_AM_ALWDHTML', "HTML tags allowed in all posts.");
 define('_MD_AM_ANONNAME', "Username for anonymous users");
 define('_MD_AM_ANONPOST', "Anonymous user can post");
-define('_MD_AM_BADIPS', "Enter IP addresses that should be banned from the site.<br />Separate each with a <b>|</b>, case insensitive, regex enabled.");
+define('_MD_AM_BADIPS', "Enter IP addresses that should be banned from the site.<br />Separate each with a |, case insensitive, regex enabled.");
 define('_MD_AM_BADIPSDSC', "^aaa.bbb.ccc will disallow visitors with an IP that starts with aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa.bbb.ccc$ will disallow visitors with an IP that ends with aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa.bbb.ccc will disallow visitors with an IP that contains aaa.bbb.ccc");
 define('_MD_AM_CENSOR', "Word Censoring Options");
 define('_MD_AM_CENSORRPLC', "Bad words will be replaced with:");
 define('_MD_AM_CENSORRPLCDSC', "Censored words will be replaced with the characters entered in this textbox");
 define('_MD_AM_CENSORWRD', "Words to censor");
-define('_MD_AM_CENSORWRDDSC', "Enter words that should be censored in user posts.<br />Separate each with a <b>|</b>, case insensitive.");
+define('_MD_AM_CENSORWRDDSC', "Enter words that should be censored in user posts.<br />Separate each with a |, case insensitive.");
 define('_MD_AM_CHNGUTHEME', "Change all users' theme");
 define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITE', "Turn your site off?");
 define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITEDSC', "Select yes to turn your site off so that only users in selected groups have access to the site. ");

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