[X-tt-list:#] NASDAQ TIMER - PWRM to Obtain CE Mark For European Marketplace, Mon, 08 Mar 2004 22:52:01 -0500

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Cecile Albright ristc****@crawf*****
2004年 3月 9日 (火) 12:52:03 JST

Mon, 08 Mar 2004 22:52:01 -0500

MARKET-TORQUE - The European Union’s Premier U.S. NASDAQ Timer

First Edition - Symbol: PWRM - Recent News will add millions to bottom line

News Release: Power3 Medical's SutureMate to Obtain CE Mark Required for Sales In European Marketplace

BRADENTON, Fla., (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Power3 Medical Products, Inc. (OTCBB: PWRM) announces that they are in the final process of obtaining CE product designation required to initiate International sales of their SutureMate(r) product. The CE Mark is a requirement which products must meet in order to be sold in the European market, including stringent safety and performance requirements.

Power3 Medical Products, Inc. (pronounced "Third Power Medical Products") has a strategic focus to acquire, create and deploy innovative healthcare and bio-tech products and service solutions that clearly enhance the effectiveness, viability and well being of those they serve on a worldwide scale. They project with the new CE and International marketing efforts taking place that SutureMate utilization and international sales will grow to 50,000 units per month by year end 2004, resulting in gross revenues exceeding two million dollars per year for this product line.

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 t distributed by MMS. Apartado 173-3006 Zona Franca MeoBarreal Heredia, Costa Rica.  

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