[X-tt-list:105] Re: (patch seq: 5752) A patch for preventing XAA crash

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Mark Vojkovich mvojk****@XFree*****
2003年 8月 15日 (金) 13:53:58 JST

On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, David Dawes wrote:

> >I played around a little with some unusual cases.  If the memory is very
> >fragmented, I can find a case where there are 4 512x512 slots and no
> >256x256 slots.  The trick here is to have enough boxes for 4 512 slots
> >and lots of 128 slots, but none for any 256 slots to get allocated in
> >the first round.  If there are enough 128x128 slots, the target for
> >512x512 slots will remain at 4 and none of them get split into 256x256
> >slots.
> >
> >A case that gives this result is 4 512x512 boxes and 70 250x250 boxes:
> >
> >128: 32, 256: 0, 512: 4, partial: 288
> >max cacheable: 512x512

   That would be a corner case in the algorithm.  It was the intention
that the larger slots would have been broken into smaller ones, but
that didn't get translated to code properly.

> Here's a patch that should catch this type of case.  Let us know if this
> is enough to fix the crash.

   That seems like a reasonable solution to the problem.


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