

wm3d(flash11, Stage3D)/Watermelon(flash10 with Sandy 3D engine) are simple flash 3D molecular viewers developed with Haxe. Molecules can be drawn in various ways such as sphere, sticks, and ribbons. Watermelon can be attached on web-pages and pres...


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert

Veröffentlicht: 2012-02-08 01:17
wm3d 0.20 (1 files Verstecken)


Keine Versionsanmerkungen


* add parseColor() function; color names such as "red", "lime", and "blue"
are available on color specification
* add <SCENE>, <LOCAL>, and <GLOBAL> elements.
* <SETTING> elements disposed.
* add experimental web interface
* add GetView callback for web interface
* add some codes for powerpoint (but still buggy)
** remove stage events when context3d is disposed.
** introduce try-catch mechanism for the registration of callback functions
* fix builder bug