[Undmail-dev #] Dating 101: Are Bad Dating Habits Keeping You Single?

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Edward Kaizer ekaiz****@yahoo*****
2009年 8月 22日 (土) 01:02:50 JST

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Your friend, Edward Kaizer (ekaiz****@yahoo*****) has sent you this information from Yahoo! Personals.
(Email address has not been verified.)

Personal message:
Attn My Good Friend 
This is to notify you that after we met today with African Heads of States, in conjunction with all African Minister of Finance we came to a conclusion that we have to pay you the sum of Payment is US$5,500,000.00.The payment will be via Diplomatic service, therefore send your Name address and tel. no. Your immediate respond is urgently needed. The mode of payment will be determined after all your details are forwarded to us. 
Mr. Edward Kaizer 
Reply to:edwar****@latin*****
                Country code +233 

Dating 101: Are Bad Dating Habits Keeping You Single?

Yahoo! Personals

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